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Ford Certified Glass Network (FCGN)

FCGN helps ensure certified glass installers are prepared to meet the highest quality standards for every Ford and Lincoln vehicle glass installation, utilizing original equipment procedures and parts. Installers becoming a member in the FCGN represents a commitment to deliver an outstanding glass installation experience to Ford and Lincoln customers. To learn about the program you may want to watch this short video. You can also read additional information here to learn more.

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We make it our business to be as sophisticated as the industry we serve. Leading-edge innovation means acoustic, heat- and UV-reducing, and sensor-containing glass are now standard options in more and more car models.

Replacement parts should equal the originals, yet many don’t. Carlite, or Ford brand, parts do! Make sure to ask for Carlite replacement glass – the only brand recommended by Ford Motor Company for replacement in your Ford or Lincoln vehicle – or you may receive a substandard knock-off that doesn’t fit exactly right and or perform as it should. OE replacements, when properly installed and calibrated/reset with vehicle systems, will perform the way it was designed.

It’s your choice. Make the right one.

Don’t Compromise

Replace with the original glass because generic and off brand replacement part specifications don’t have to be off by much to make a big impact. A generic windshield’s surface profile or curvature could differ enough to allow water trail issues behind wiper blades, blurring your vision while driving. An improper camera bracket fit may lead to errors affecting the vehicle’s Lane Departure System or Advanced Driver Assist System performance.